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      Taking Mum's hand,

I whispered 'Are we really safe, here?'

― Alwyn Evans, Walk in My Shoes


Community health centers and social service providers often work with individuals and families who have immigrated to the United States.  Professionals must continuously adapt to new arrivals while also providing services to more established immigrant groups.  New arrivals come with unknown backgrounds, experiences of trauma, and language needs, as well as a lack of social supports.  Established communities continue to have needs, and those needs change as they move through various life stages.  Community health centers and social service providers are responsible to meet the needs of each of these groups, and have varying self-reported success in doing such. 


It is hypothesized that the results of this study will show that while many centers and agencies face similar challenges, there is not a mechanism to collaborate effectively with each other, to create a network of coordinated services that would enhance services while decreasing burdens on individual centers.  Nor is there a system to best prepare the centers for new communities.  The findings have been compiled in a website for service providers as a tool to help ensure best practices when supporting all immigrants.

Our Home, Again Team

Ketelie Altena


Bi Toh
Heidi Sue LeBoeuf


Angela vanGerven
Ediela O'Callaghan

Why did we create this website?

Our Offerings

To provide a place for service providers to have access to world news, community supports and epdemic challenges that newly immigrated people face.

Our Mission & Vision

"To identify culturally appropriate resources to assist social workers with providing services to all newly immigrated people."


The vision of Home, Again is to build compassion and awareness for the challenges faced by all newly immigrated people as they struggle to build a new home in a new country.  We believe all individuals have a right to basic human rights which we will address by identifying resources and information for service providers to assist them as they work toward helping to improve the lives of refugees and asylum seekers in need of services.

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